Friday, May 13, 2011

blogging hiatus.

Chaos is in full swing, my friends, but lucky for you (and me), that means a photo recap.  This is what has been keeping me away from legs:

Our senior night out went well, complete with shirts!
 This is as close as I can come to describing the night:
Oh yeah! I graduated!
Our first night back home Nick and I spent the night at Chateau Chantal.  I don't mean to brag, but my boyfriend is the best.
mmm... riesling...
View from our room, Thursday.
View from our room, Friday morning.
As if things couldn't get any better, we had an amazing dinner at the Jolly Pumpkin.  We split one of their (extremely large! think wine bottle...) craft brews, you know, to take a break from the all-access wine bar at Chateau.
Until next time!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Magnolia Handspun Giveaway!

Shoot on over to Earth Mama for a chance to win a skein of Magnolia Handspun yarn!  I've written before about how much I love Camilla's masterpieces but now is your chance to get your hands on some.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

the 22 hour day.

Friday, Nick and I attended my post-poned Christmas present, and it was better than I could have expected!  Here's a quick photo recap of the night:

Practicing our "shipwreck/swallowed by a whale" moan.

It was an amazing concert and we were able to wiggle our way to the front row!  Once we got home, we had figured that I had been awake for 22 hours.  22 HOURS.  That, my friend, is an all time record.  You can find more photos on flickr.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter, y'all!

I hope however you celebrate, you celebrate to the fullest.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

a walk in my shoes.

Despite the current weather, I have brought out the spring shoes.  Spring = Keds.

Oh, the places these shoes have been...
Stone Ridge, NY - 2006
Ben Folds Concert, Ann Arbor, MI - 2007
Old Mission Peninsula, MI - 2008
...and I can't help but believe it is only the beginning.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


There is a trend, to my posts, despite it's random nature.  I post what I want, when I want.  I wish I could religiously follow creative theme posts, but that's just not how I roll.  I'm Random.  My blog should be called "Random Stuff I Feel Like Addressing, Deal."

Today I present a mishmash of things keeping me sane currently (I told you there would be an update on my sanity). Deal.

Friday, April 15th the government declared war (essentially) on the online poker community. I am personally affected by this, thus it is my responsibility to raise awareness. There is a lot beyond our control, such as the actually crimes the sites committed, but it is simply unacceptable to basically fire thousands of online poker players (many of whom ACTUALLY pay taxes on the income tied up because of all of this).  The crimes committed are not by the players who have the skill to make it their living, but by the companies.  My point, recognize that poker is a game of skill and please help take action.

So, in light of current (life-changing) events, I'm focusing on the little things that make me happy.  For starters, the cup of coffee in my hand, infused with cinnamon, and new music.

If you have been living under a rock you might not know that Radiohead released a new album.  Solid.  I tend to have a different list of favorites than most (I get emotionally involved in each album differently, ask me, I love to talk Radiohead), but it has worked it's way up to one of my favorites. So, in my Tuesday morning melancholy state, I check my email and found that they sent their fans two free tracks as a thank you.  Thank YOU, Radiohead.  My favorite of the two, 'The Butcher,' was apparently supposed to be on the new album but couldn't be worked in.  Here's what they said:
"FYI... 'The Butcher' was recorded and mixed during 'The King of Limbs' sessions, but we couldn't make it work on the album; 'Supercollider' was started during those sessions and finished off in March of this year."
Also to report, on the knitting front, I have completed my Malabrigo Cowl/Shawl for the most part.  After attaching the buttons in a very unconventional way (do I ever work conventionally?), I realized the stretch of the buttons was not what I wanted so I'm in the process of stitching it together, creating "faux buttons." Photos to come.

Just as I logged in this morning my friend Kelly over at Fern Street sent me this wonderful link. Basically, she just gave a crack head more crack. A poor crack head, at that. Some of my favorites:

Apparently I'm an earth tone gal, how appropriate this week!  

To close, remember to appreciate the little joys in life, whether it be that first sip of coffee or the five minutes you get with the most important person in your life. Love, with whatever, whomever, is what keeps us sane.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

projects, jobs, and housing, OH MY!

It has been a whirlwind of emotions here in mid-Mich. (or Northern Mich. depending on the day).  Maybe it's lack of sleep or excitement of all the upcoming events, but holy-moly where did my grasp on reality go?

Between birthdays and due dates, March was lost.  The semester began slowly, with a buzz of anticipation, anxiety and all of a sudden February and March were gone.  Now, assignments are due, we need to find a place to live after graduation, pack and move... and the list just keeps growing...

Looking back, I actually accomplished a lot in March! I bought my cap and gown, began planning the dietetic Seniors' night out (complete with shirts!),
and (ready for this?) I got a job!  It's with an amazing business making an amazing product, and everyone is thinking I'll be doing some amazing networking.  More details to come.  It feels great knowing I will have some sort of income once the move is compete.

I keep looking at my planner, reminding myself that it's really happening - we're moving, taking another big step in our relationship and adult lives, and it's going to crazy!  This post has been about two weeks in the making and now we're looking at three weeks.  THREE WEEKS!  Let me show you what that looks like to me:
4 hours of bottling homemade beer
13 possible BAB (work) shifts
1 advocacy letter, assignment, presentation, project, and 2 quizzes
20 lectures (2-3 lectures left per class!)
2 SDA meetings
1 Concert (wooo!!!)
1 celebratory shopping excursion
1 dinner/bar crawl (you can't call it a dietetics night out and NOT include food)
5 final exams

I know it might look like a lot but eliminate anything that sounds like fun and multiply each remaining item by 10 and that's approximately what I started with.  I've got a good handle on my class load and I might actually be able to enjoy these last few weeks!
Our last visit to TC was very relaxing (well, as relaxing as it ever will be).

Free stay at the casino.
Delilah DeWylde & The Lost Boys performing at the Good Work Collective launch party (she at one point was not only balancing on her bass, but playing it at the same time, too).
Once we got back into the swing of things down here, it was my cousin's 21st birthday! We went out and celebrated right.  While us lightweights (me) kept our composure for most of the evening, this little gem slipped in:
Thank goodness we at least have each other.
Second try, much better.
Upcoming posts include a recap of the Decemberists concert next Friday and possibly an update on my sanity.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

BAKE! with Zingerman's

Last Christmas, my parents gave me the opportunity to participate in one of Zingerman's BAKE! classes and I finally cashed it in!

Nick and I love Ann Arbor and always have to make time for an amazing, never disappointing sandwich from their famous deli.  The deli, one of many amazing and successful establishments upholding the Zingerman name, carries a crazy variety of imports from around the world and many home-grown products - all of which you can sample upon request (except for a very old balsamic vinegar and a very expensive caviar).

This is the PPP (Peter's Peppered Pick) - farm raised turkey, Arkansas peppered bacon, farm ranch dressing, lettuce, grilled farm bread. I minus the tomato and add cucumbers and extra sharp Vermont cheddar. Drooling yet?  It's for special occasions (passing biochem, for example) and it definitely is special to Nick and I.  In the above case, in town for a concert (that's special, right?)

Another thing they're famous (or infamous) for are their legally Magic Brownies, and THAT is what I'm going to learn to make.  And apparently go home with four pans of afterward!  I'll post more after the class, June 9th, unless I'm in a brownie coma.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


   Mid-Michigan decided it wasn't ready for spring.  Yesterday, day five or so of bare ground and day three of spring, began with a chill.  I was prepared for the impending rain with my rain jacket and an old produce bag for my bike seat (which got stolen for the THIRD time this semester, seriously art students, what gives?).  As I was leaving class for home it was lightly snowing, no big deal, and by the time I got home it was a white out.  It takes me five minutes to get home.  We couldn't see beyond our road for hours and judging by my car at 4 am, it had been raining/snowing all night.  We now have more snow than we did before it all melted, in a matter of hours.  WHO'S READY FOR APRIL?!  I am.

   The reason I'm posting is for an update on my Magnolia Handspun.  It's here! (I'm sure you were all on the edge of your seats)  She shipped it on Saturday and I received it Monday;  this woman is even more talented than I thought!

   Neatly wrapped in tissue, tied with beautiful baker's twine, and topped with a beautiful handwritten thank-you: classy, this woman is very classy.  One thing I didn't notice in the Etsy photos, mine either for that matter, was the intertwined tinsel!  This yarn sparkles!  I think I would prefer a matte fiber, but I'm not complaining - this yarn is beautiful.

Here is the Fresh Rhubarb:

Green Tea:

Go and buy her yarn, it's amazing.  But what to do with it?  I love the two separately but if I knit them together I can make a larger piece, and they do look great together.  Suggestions, please!  Such horrible problem to deal with...

But anyway, snowday, postponed MNT exam, and new yarn; I am a happy camper.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Spring!

   It is officially Vernal Equinox, the first day of spring!  While today we're celebrating with a nice rain/snow mix, I have something bright in the mail to look forward to.

New yarn!

   I have become obsessed with the amazing works of art that are skeins of Magnolia Handspun.  Blown away by her color and texture combinations, I spent all day on her blog and Etsy page!  The artist, Camilla, is from Norway and now resides in Montana.  Can you beleive these colors?!?  The Montana landscape can definitely be seen in her yarns!

   My indulgences:

Green Tea, 64 yds

Fresh Rhubarb, 56 yds

A very generous gift from the most generous being.  Shipped yesterday, photos surely to follow, and suggestions welcome.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Yarn Review (rave!)

   Being a college student (soon to be graduate!), I have no free time and no money but as a knitter I have learned the importance of meaningful projects in the background.  Such a conflict.  My solution is to choose a project you love and almost more importantly, a material you love.  Knitting is a stress reliever for me and I lean towards all natural fibers, just a personal preference.  These tend to be more expensive, but for me, knitting little luxuries has turned into a philosophy.  Possibly my business motto in the future?

My time is precious, why waste it on bad yarn?

   The first of what I hope to be many yarn reviews is my personal favorite:  Malabrigo Worsted Merino wool.  I know nothing of reviewing yarn, so be kind!
   I was first introduced by one of my knitting "mentors" and unknowingly acquired two more skeins during a sale at an Ann Arbor yarn shop.  Malabrigo is a Uruguayan fiber cooperative hand-spinning, hand-dying yarn from their own legendary sheep.  The fiber is kettle dyed or hand painted, depending on the intended effect.
   They dye in small batches, which has it's pro's and con's.  Small batches means each skein is unique, but also means that each skein is unique; you'll need to buy more skeins than probably necessary for larger projects to avoid a completely different looking section of knitting.
   I recently purchased online three different colored skeins (for stripes) for a shawl but when I compared them next to each other, one didn't quite fit the color scheme and I had to pull a back-up from my stash.  They do, however, have 12 "true solid" colors that are exactly that, true solids.  I do not recommend buying this yarn online unless you know the color. Personally, I love knowing that no matter what, my project is one of a kind, despite possible setbacks.  Oh, did I mention the have around 300 different colors?
   Why is it my favorite yarn?  It is such a pleasure to knit with!  While balling it up is difficult, it tends to stick to itself, it is the softest natural fiber I have ever worked with.  My mom has issues with wool because she swears, no matter how soft, wool makes her itch.  Not this yarn.

My breakdown of Malabrigo Worsted weight Merino yarn:
  • 210 yards per skein
  • Hand-spun, hand-dyed Merino Wool
  • Price Range: $9.00-$12.00
  • Don't buy this yarn online
  • Do buy in bulk (for larger projects)
  • Do save your skeins tags to remember the exact color
    Here is my Malabrigo stash:
    Apple Green
    Lettuce, my favorite!

    Just to show off, here is my current project:

    A lovely, lovely yarn for just about any project.  They have a variety of traditional weights, as well as some beautiful chunky yarn.  While I have only worked with their worsted, I can vouch for how amazing their lace weight is!  One luxury at a time, I suppose...